ࡱ> CEB bjbj ;4 +++++????$c\? :$E`+++ ++Ћ)ͭ?"v0 G6GG+ G : Writing Rubric Quality CriteriaNo/Limited Proficiency (1 point)Some Proficiency (2 points)Proficiency (3 points)High Proficiency (4 points)1. Thesis/Focus: (a) Clarity (b) OriginalityReader cannot determine thesis & purpose OR thesis has no relation to the writing task. Thesis and purpose are somewhat vague OR only loosely related to the writing task, AND/OR unimaginativeThesis and purpose are fairly clear and match the writing task. Thesis and purpose are somewhat original.Thesis and purpose are clear; closely match the writing task, and provide fresh insight.2. Organization: (a) Thesis support (b) Idea sequence (c) TransitionsUnclear organization OR organizational plan is inappropriate to thesis. No transitions.Some signs of logical organization in support of the thesis. Transitions are abrupt, illogical, and ineffective.Organization supports thesis and purpose. Transitions are generally appropriate. However, sequence of ideas could be improvedFully & imaginatively supports thesis & purpose. Sequence of ideas is effective. Transitions are smooth and effective3. Support/ Reasoning: (a) Quality ideas (b) Explicit assumptions (c) Good detailsOffers simplistic, undeveloped, or cryptic support for ideas; Inappropriate or off-topic generalizations, faulty assumptions, errors of fact.Offers some support that may that may be dubious, too broad or obvious. Details are too general, not interpreted, irrelevant to thesis, or inappropriately repetitiveOffers solid but less original reasoning. Assumptions are not always recognized or made explicit. Contains some appropriate details or examplesSubstantial, logical, & concrete development of ideas. Assumptions are made explicit. Details are germane, original, and convincingly interpreted4. Use of sources: (a) Documentation (b) Variety of sources (c) Style manualFails to use sources AND/OR overuse of quotations or paraphrase AND/OR uses source material without acknowledgement.Uses relevant sources but substitutes them for the writers own ideas. Quotations & paraphrases may be too long and/or inconsistently referenced.Uses sources to support, extend, and inform, the writers own development of idea. Doesnt overuse quotes, but may not always conform to required style manual.Uses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writers own development of idea. Skillfully combines material from a variety of sources. Always conforms to style manual.5. Style (a) Sentences are varied (b) Precise diction (c) Tone/Voice suitable for topic Superficial and stereotypical language. Oral rather than written language patterns predominateSentences show little variety, simplistic. Diction is somewhat immature; relies on clichs. Tone may have some inconsistencies in tense and personSentences show some variety & complexity. Uneven control. Diction is accurate, generally appropriate, less advanced. Tone is appropriateSentences are varied, complex, & employed for effect. Diction is precise, appropriate, using advanced vocabulary. Tone is mature, consistent, suitable for topic and audience 6. Writing Conventions: Grammar/Spelling/ Usage/PunctuationMechanical & usage errors so severe that writers ideas are difficult to understandRepeated weaknesses in mechanics and usage. Pattern of flaws Grammar and syntax are correct with very few errors in spelling or punctuation.Essentially error free. Evidence of superior control of diction Adapted by faculty from NEIUs General Education Committee, Dec. 2006. 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